Song Bung 2 and Song Bung 4 Hydroelectric Plant

icon date Jan 09, 2024 Chia sẻ

With reliable and durable operation and a multi-protocol platform, the NEC Univerge SV9100 IP switchboard system was chosen to take on the role of ensuring secure communication between Song Bung hydropower plants. and EVNICT dispatch center at the Central 500kV station via SDH transmission system and IP network with E1/R2-MFC signaling
The NEC Univerge SV9100 switchboard system is equipped to meet the Owner’s requirements:
– Scalability: ensuring the system’s ability to develop in the next 5-10 years.
– Network performance: enhance processing capacity, improve performance, accuracy, and reduce latency and response time.
– Compatibility: additional solutions are fully compatible with the organization’s current system, inheriting existing equipment.
– Provide Hotline from central control room to Spillway and Water Intake Gate.
– Provide E1/R2-MFC communication with EVNICT Central Region dispatch center switchboard
– Ensure inter-station connection between factories via WAN network
TSM’s technical experts undertake all work of providing, deploying, and connecting communication systems.

– Song Bung 4 Hydroelectric Project: construction location in Ta Po commune and Zuoih commune, Nam Giang district, Quang Nam province, about 75km southwest of Da Nang city along Highway 14D, with an installed capacity of 156MW , the total reservoir capacity of the reservoir is 510.8 million m3.
– Song Bung 2 Hydroelectric Project: hydropower construction location in Laêê commune and Zuoih commune, Nam Giang district, Quang Nam province, about 165km southwest of Da Nang city along Highway 14D, installed capacity is 100MW, the total reservoir capacity of the reservoir is 94.3 million m3.